Friday 27 February 2009

Thursday 26 February 2009


My group consisted of four people, including me there was Maria, Baska and Dainii. For our second practice thriller we were given a brief on what our thriller should consist of. Before we were given the task of making a thriller we watched "the shining" a famous thriller just to get the feeling of what a thriller should be like. After that we made a 1st practice, to gets us started on the second practice in our brief we were told that we had a story line that should be a part of each of our thrillers. The story line was to have two people sitting down at a table having a conversation. Both of the people had to be sitting opposite each other on both sides of the table through this we established a rule we had to abide by. The rule was to stay in the 180 degrees semi circle whilst filming so we were not allowed to film from one side/ point of view and then shoot from the opposite side/ the other point of view because it would then seem like the two people had changed places. We done certain work sheets which showed us what films usually have in them we were told to use non-diegetic and diegetic sounds to help create a better atmosphere. We were also informed on the different camera shots which we should use we were also told to put in a match shot.

Before we set out to do our actual thriller we done a practice thriller. This thriller came out really well for our first attempt at it. However we violated the 180 degrees rule which we were meant to stick by. But by doing this we learnt from our mistakes and took it into consideration for when we went to make the actual thriller itself.

First of all we did a rough plan of what our film/trailer was going to be set on. We came to a joint decision of basing our film topic on a triad/oriental theme. Baska came up with a location we could then use. The location was set in the basement of a Chinese restaurant based in hackney (Bethnal green).We then decided on the Kind of scenes we would include in our 2 minute trailer and discussed all the different shot types we were going to use. We drew out a story board so that we had a better insight of the kind of angles and camera positions. When we got to the location of where we were shooting we used a few props which would give it that oriental feeling. For instance there were boxes in the background which consisted of Chinese food inside we then used these boxes by leaving then in sight of the camera because they had Chinese writing written over them.

I was very happy with the different camera shots and so were the members of my group. I was in charge of shooting our thriller. The film consisted of many different choices of shots, medium close ups, close ups, tracking and panning and crane shots. We also added in a couple match shot so that we could get a higher range of viewing points.

However during the shooting we had a couple minor mishaps. We had to shoot twice because during our first one there were a few problems which occurred. There was a change in roles at one point we I myself went from doing the camera work to being one of the actresses in our film. Swapping places with Dainii. We then realised that not a lot of the shots were quite how we wanted them to be. So we made our minds up to come in during our own time and film the whole thing again which was a much better success.


For our second attempt of making our film perfect we all deceided to meet up on an inset day so we could finish every little detail we may hav missed and to make our film perfect. we arranged to meet up that day at 11.00 on the dot however maria n dainii were late which delayed our filmin and meant we had less time to film as i had to leave early. by then we were not very optimistic and wern't sure wether we'd be able to finish our film to the extent we wanted. however we realised from our first attempt the things that we should not be wasting time on for this go. we got to the destination by 1.15 we started filming and had actually done better than what we expected and still had some time left over to eat.


Because we could not edit our footage together on that day dainii went and uploaded all the footage on to the computer and she also came in the following monday from the friday we were filming and took time to edit n cut the last clips we were going to use for our final thriller.

We then captured and logged all of our footage and began to create the movie on the computers into the final thing. We added all the slow motion affects and sounds to create the sort of tension we were looking for the credits are all that has to be added and then our final thriller will be complete.


B y this time are deadline was very close and we realised we had to finish the movie other wise we would loose alot of marks so we all put our heads down, worked hard and managed to add all the credits and sounds properly and our final thriller was done!

Thursday 5 February 2009

baska's blog on the draft thriller

we started off with the planning, it was rough quick and we mostly relied on our intuition and improvisation. we all had the same idea in our heads n the outline was simple all we had to do really was fit in as many shots as possible and not break the 180 degree rule. the wardrobe was a main part of the whole thriller. we made sure that we dressed to fit the part for example i was the bodyguard so dark n solid colours, if possible with leather gloves. maria on the other hand was suppose to dress very womanly and she achieved that with the fish net tights and the long dark coat. the height difference between us was lucky as I'm a 6ft where as shes a 4ft something. it made me look more of a bodyguard.

we looked around the college looking for somewhere where we could control the lighting slightly and we wouldn't get any interuptions. while walking around we found a computer room in the lower ground and asked the security guard if he could open it for us to use. we then set up the single table and put on half the lighting in the room. we started off with the basic shots and if any other shots come inside during shooting then we add it on we try it out. the stairs shot which was a low angle had the lighting from outside however no lighting from the inside creating a sillouette. the cctv shot also came from experiemtnation and random ideas.

once we had all the shots down and put all of it in place. we went onto editing, we put quite a lot of effects like slow motion. we put a frame onto the cctv. we learnt a lot of techniques that wern't shown during class. we learnt them from the technicians. we didn't have enough time to finish the editing completly so we carried on another time and then finished it off however our unfinished draft ended up being blogged.