Thursday 5 February 2009

baska's blog on the draft thriller

we started off with the planning, it was rough quick and we mostly relied on our intuition and improvisation. we all had the same idea in our heads n the outline was simple all we had to do really was fit in as many shots as possible and not break the 180 degree rule. the wardrobe was a main part of the whole thriller. we made sure that we dressed to fit the part for example i was the bodyguard so dark n solid colours, if possible with leather gloves. maria on the other hand was suppose to dress very womanly and she achieved that with the fish net tights and the long dark coat. the height difference between us was lucky as I'm a 6ft where as shes a 4ft something. it made me look more of a bodyguard.

we looked around the college looking for somewhere where we could control the lighting slightly and we wouldn't get any interuptions. while walking around we found a computer room in the lower ground and asked the security guard if he could open it for us to use. we then set up the single table and put on half the lighting in the room. we started off with the basic shots and if any other shots come inside during shooting then we add it on we try it out. the stairs shot which was a low angle had the lighting from outside however no lighting from the inside creating a sillouette. the cctv shot also came from experiemtnation and random ideas.

once we had all the shots down and put all of it in place. we went onto editing, we put quite a lot of effects like slow motion. we put a frame onto the cctv. we learnt a lot of techniques that wern't shown during class. we learnt them from the technicians. we didn't have enough time to finish the editing completly so we carried on another time and then finished it off however our unfinished draft ended up being blogged.

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