Tuesday 27 January 2009

baska's post on the newspaper thriller

     For the 2 minute trailer we decided that the camera would represent the stalker. It was a a basic idea in which the identity of the stalker would not be shown. the movie 'the shining' inspired us and provided a few ideas for example leaving quiet spaces or first person mode while using the camera. We used a range of shots but for a 'stalker' thriller we had to use long distance shots giving the effect that there was a person from a distance. our group decided to use diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. alot of what happened in the short thriller happened accidently.

     Our group memebers are me, dainai, tamina and maria. firstly we planned out the actions of the girl as being natural; she wouldnt know whats going on or even that someone is following her. our task was to basically create a thriller surrounding someone reading the newspaper. The camera work was great, the shots came out nicely and showed actions that wouldn't have been seen if we hadn't used the shot. For example the high angle shot used at the begining showed her looking at someone and the man looking back at her; putting a slow motion effect really gives a type of mystery for the audience. One shot when the girl was walking inside the problem was that some people who walked by acted to weird, like the guy who tryed to hide as if the camera hadn't seen him.

     The editing was very simple and more effects and diegetic sounds however the non-diegetic sounds really came in nicely. It was completly accidently but suited the thriller when slowed down. the edited sound didn't work with the thriller. the sound doesn't match the action. I learnt that more thought and time needed to be used or else we would have to just rely on accidental shots. One thing that forgotten is that we needed to film during a time period when there was no people. this way the tension would've builded up more and also people wouldn't act so weird.

     One convention that would've been useful is to be more prepared. In most thrillers the settings are deserted and quiet. There may be a few non- diegetic noises or sounds. the shot of the camera following the girl was a typical shot from thriller movies. Our teacher said it has a lot potential to be great problem was we didn't get enough time to finish off the editing in total.
I feel that that the teacher's comments on our task was completly right i think that if more planning was put into it then we probably would've had more time to finish off.

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