Tuesday 27 January 2009

Dainii's Post On Final Match Cut exercise

We were given the task to film a short thriller opening.We chose to do a triad themed thriller.Tahmina did the camera work.We decided that we should use shots that would keep the main female characters (a triad leader's) identity a mystery for a short while, so close ups of her legs and medium close ups of her chest area were used. The other main character played by me,was an inferior client that owed money to the female triad leader.To portray this we used high angle shots which were also used to get cctv-like shots of her. The fast paced editing between the shots built up a sense of tension. Doing this task help me to see what we should not do in our real thriller. Such as not breaking the 180 degree rule ( which we did break) and when doing point of view shots we should place the camera exactly where the person would be looking from (and looking to). This is essential to create the sense that the audience is looking through the characters eyes. Further more when next filming shots i will be sure to acknowledge the space between the top of the shot and subject being film, as to ensure there is not too much or not enough space.In addition to this , i have learnt that it is paramount that we leave 5 seconds before and after each shot and not to forget as it can effect where you put your in and out points. Our teacher was very pleased with the outcome and reminded us that we should remember to incorporate the slow motion shots in our actual thriller as to attach ideas of superiority to certain characters. Overall i think our thriller was very successful and that we will definately be able to enhance the idea it in our final thriller.

Dainii elliott

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