Tuesday 27 January 2009

Newspaper practice. (18/11/08)

For our first practice we were given a subject to use which was a “newspaper” this was to be included in our thriller. My group Maria, Baska, Dainii and I decided that our thriller would be based on a young girl (played by myself) reading a newspaper whilst coming into college but being followed by a stalker. Who she saw an article on when she opened the paper. Although we had a good story line, the group did come across a few problems where members of the group had little arguments and disagreements because some people in our group found it difficult to communicate and agree with each other this then led to some of the members walking out. However we resolved these problems by sitting down and discussing how we should approach the situation next time we go to shoot the trailer.

The lesson which then followed we sat down and gave each other significant role in which we would be taking part in for instance I was given the role in acting, by being the girl who is getting stalked. Dainii and Maria both handling the camera work and directing and Baska helping out with the settings and scenes making sure we were not disturbed whilst filming. Throughout the process of filming all this footage, me and the other members of the group realised that planning was a vital factor, as our group lacked that factor. This gave us a much better insight into how we should approach our next attempt of filming our thriller.

Whilst we were editing we learnt lots of different techniques which could be applied to our film for instance how to slow/speed up footage. However some sounds came naturally to the trailer as we did not put them in ourselves for example the point where I turn ma head the sound there was from the original footage itself.

Tahmina Khan

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