Friday 13 March 2009

2nd practice before main thriller

For our second practicee(12/12/08).....we were given the task of shooting a small two minute trailor to gain ideas of how to use the camera and to learn a whole variety of shots. the theme we chose to use for our film was a triad theme using oriental characters.

For this practice we were given a rule which was to stay in focus of a 180 degrees area. If we stepped out of this rule then we would lose marks. unfortunately my group,me,maria,dainii and baska, actually did break the 180 degrees rule. However we did had a lot of very good shots,which ranged from medium close ups,close ups,medium long shots,traking and also panning. we also zoomed so we could see the actresses(maria and dainii)expressions which would create more tension and used a cctv affect awsell. we wer told before doing this task that when zooming in we should use the manual focus button.

This trailor was where we got our original idea for our main thriller. We seemed very confident with what we had produced the first time but for the main thing we decided that we would add some extra shots and chose to film in a more themed place which would suit our story line.In this thriller we filmed it inside the college downstairs so we were not disturbed whilst filming.

We managed to film this mini thriller in about 2.00 hours max, even then we were very happy with the end out come. after filming the following tuesday (16/12/08) we began to edit our shots and began to put them together bit by bit to make the final piece. This task was given to us a taste of what we should do and not do for our final thriller. through this 2nd practice we made a few minor mistakes but this was good as we learn from them.

When we were editing we also learnt alot of different techniques which we'd not used before, this was when using the Mac computers, we learnt how to edit,cut and merge scence together also we learnt how to add scenes such as cctv clips, to give the film a more suspenseful feeling.
The film did not get edited to the extent we may have wanted it to,however how we left it was fine.

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