Thursday 26 March 2009



This is an establishing shot of the setting we used for the location of the restuarant in the film

this was an establishing shot of a restaurant(the one which the basement was made to look like it was in)

A long shot of maria walking down the stairs with a silouhette type of look.

A behind the back shot, to show what the current location is like. also the colour here gives it a good effect.
A match shot where the victim has a blindfold over her but we put the blindfold on the camera to show it was from her point of view. then match shotting it to when the blindfold was taken off.

AN over the shoulder shot so the other person face can be seen.

A medium close up, to show some close features of the persons face.

For our AS thriller, we choose to base the theme around the concept of an oriental triad film. We used real media convections, films which inspired us to think of an idea like this were like “rush hour” and “ the too fast too furious” films like this gave us a better insight of what we could include in our own mini thriller. Whilst having a close eye on mise-en-scene, camera work, props, shot types and the genre. To make the thriller look more convincing we used costume to give it a feeling that hierarchy was involved. For instance Maria was dressed in a sophisticated long black coat tights and heels. She also wore a pair of sunglasses to give her a sheik touch n elegance. Baska was her body guard in the thriller so he was dressed in a full black suit. Whilst Dainii was dressed casually but not to informal to show that the other class of status involved was not so lower class. As the thriller was based on money. We also payed very close attention to mise-en-scene everything which was in the shot of the camera. We even used props such as boxes with Chinese writing over them to give people watching the certainty that it was definitely a triad based film. I was in charge of the camera work so it was crucial that the movement of the camera was held steady at all times whilst on and off the tri-pod. If the camera moved just a little then on a big screen it would be very obvious so the camera movement was done very steadily at a slow n not so rushed pace.
There was a mix of social groups used in our final product. As we were making a triad film, we chose to use oriental actors such as Baska and Maria as the lead gang so it would be much more believable to the viewers. Alongside that we also used an actress of a different race, (Dainii). Through this we are also able to show the different statuses involved. For instance in the film we see that Maria is in control of practically everything she shows that she is of more status than Baska as he is always following her around and taking her orders as he is shown as her body guard. Dainii sitting down and Maria standing up was also a sign of status to show that Maria was higher than her in society, also when Dainii wants to speak Maria tends to silence her and stops her from saying her part. The location also plays a part in social groups since it was set in the basement of a Chinese restaurant where many oriental people go. Also to portray the oriental triad style we filmed the opening shots in china town to give that extra oriental feel to the film.
It is difficult to decide what kind of media institution we may distribute our film to because it can fit into all categories, including major film studio, smaller studios, independent or online distribution. However if we had to choose I think we’d most likely distribute our film to the smaller independent studios as it doesn’t take a large budget to distribute the film.
The target audience for our media product varies from a range of teenager from the age of (15+) because the film is an action thriller it may have contents which a younger audience may not understand. This film may attract mainly to males rather than females however some females may also be interested as it shows that the female in this film has a lot of authority than the others. The film is not specifically targeted at any economic background however it could be said that it is targeted more at the ethnic/cultural backgrounds e.g chinese/black people. The reason why this film may appeal more to the orietal viewers may be because the choice of language used/spoken by the lead actress(maria) was chinese we chose to do this so it gives the film an edgey touch plus to create more suspense and tension. However we also thought about the other range of people who may not be chinese watchin so we added subtitles which gave the film a more professional look aswell.
To attract the more modernized younger generation we used “slang” in our video however we chose to stay in between certain boundaries and not go to over the top. Standard english was also used by the triad members to show the difference in status. The storyline also attracts the audience since it involves a lot of gangs, drugs cars and money which many males would be interested in watching and would make good sales in the filming industry and something that may get many hits like the recently mentioned films “rush hour” and “the too fast too furious” which also involve these kinds of action. The title we chose to use for the film was “Chinese ransom” this basically outlines a little and gives the audience a taste of what the films contents involve. Using a title like this can catch the buyers/audience’s eyes, and it is quite catchy and appealing and makes them wonder what or who has exactly been held at ransom. Using the word “Chinese” will definitely catch the people from oriental cultures sight straight away and this may want them to watch the film as soon as the title has been heard or seen.
Throughout this process I have learnt how to use a camera properly and all of its functions, also how to handle the camera in great care and how to set the equipment up. From using the camera I learnt a lot of different camera shot types and angles. Also the way in which we used the apple Mac computers for editing clips and shots for our film. I learnt how to add subtitles into our clips where they were needed and also how to add and remove sounds we wanted and didn’t want. The main editing throughout the process was done on final cut pro this is where the final film was edited and made. To gather the sounds we wanted to use we used the software on the Mac which already had all the different types of sounds suitable for any genre. From this software we chose to go to the Chinese/oriental section where we selected many different sound types which were suitable for our film in the end we decided the main ones which were definitely going to be used.
Since the start of the year I have progressed on my skills on editing and filming, how to use the camera, edit and film shots from different views and angles. I have now successfully learnt how to edit and put together video clips as well as filming and editing match shots.

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