Friday 27 March 2009

AS Thriller Evaluation

For our AS thriller, we chose to base our storyline around the concept of triad action thrillers. We have implied conventions of real media products such as existing films for example ‘Rush Hour’ and Too fast too furious’ to make our thriller believable, paying close attention to mise-en-scene, costumes, camera movement and body language. In the end, we decided to include all of the features into our opening to make it more convincing.
A variety of social groups is found in our product, giving that it is an Asian triad thriller; we decided to use oriental actors (Myself and Baska) alongside another actress of a different race. This adds variety to target audiences because the thriller intends to be distributed in the United Kingdom, which is a multicultural country with many different races, therefore when they watch it, they feel included. We show that I have more status over Baska since he is the bodyguard and he follows me, also because of the body language and actions, for example I hand him my gloves, suggesting that I have control over him. Dainii was also conveying lower status because she was sitting down on the table, plus she obeyed when I silenced her. The location, Chinatown also represents the oriental social group, since it was where many oriental people go, plus the setting was in the basement of a Chinese restaurant. Since the idea revolves around triads, we opted for an all black costume for me and Baska to represent that we are from a different social group.
It is difficult to decide for certain which media institution we will distribute our product because it can fit into all fields, including major film studio, smaller studios, independent or online distributions. However, if we had to concentrate on one in particular, it would be most successful to distribute our product into the smaller independent studios since it doesn’t take a large budget to produce the film. Consequently, since it would be distributed from an independent studio, the result may not be as successful, this is because the smaller budget equals less publicity and distribution, meaning less people would know about the film and go to see it.
The target audience for this product varies from teenagers and above (15+) since it is an action thriller it contains content which a younger audience may not understand. It will be mainly focused on males however a minority of females may also enjoy. There is no particular target economic background this film is aimed at however the cultural background is targeted at oriental/black people. This is because stereotypically, oriental people are referred to as triads, hence black people associated with gangs and crime, therefore the public can related to these stereotypes.
To attract this target audience, we would use some modern day ‘slang’ language to familiarise the younger audiences however keep certain standard English for the triad gang leaders to show status. We also implied speaking in Vietnamese to show culture, therefore those who can understand the language can relate to the character and feel more involved. It also gives the film a bit more originality and flavour, therefore making it more interesting to watch. The storyline also attracts the audience since it involves a lot of gangs, drugs cars and money which many males would be interested in watching, these elements are associated with them because they are stereotypically more interested in crime and ‘hardcore’ material. It also gives them a release from reality and get them involved in the movie.
Throughout the process of filming and editing the media product, I have learnt many things such as different camera shots, setting up the camera equipment as well as editing video clips on the computer, using programs like Final Cut Pro and Soundtrack on the Apple Mac. From the beginning, I have progressed in my editing and filming skills, I have now learnt to successfully edit and put together video clips, as well as how to film and edit match shots.

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